Hello my name is Sara and YES, Bliss is my real surname. The one that I was born into. While others may use the word within their business moniker, it is my true, original identity, not simply some made up concept.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my site & look around. I feel blessed to do the work I love, & love the work I do.  I received my training in my home State of Vermont in 1997.  I established my office in the Matthews Executive Center in 2013.  I enjoy the way massage gives me the ability to immediately impact the world around me. I appreciate all of my regular clients and visitors.  I feel honored to be trusted to assist them with their wellbeing. A client that leaves my massage table feeling a deeper level of relaxation & calm, or a release from discomfort or tension, is freed & empowered to be a better employee, spouse, parent, caregiver.... that is the ripple effect I strive to foster within my massage practice.

Many of my clients express poor experiences and results from previous deep tissue massages.  I believe deep work does not have to have you cringing constantly with pain, and it shouldn’t.  To be fair, when issues are present that need to be worked out, it can be less than comfortable.  But problems also arise when a well intentioned therapist attempts too much deep work, too quickly.  Patience is needed & sometimes that means more than one session to allow time to clear out the tension or constricted area. Those areas aren't usually created in just one day (barring injury) so doesn't it make sense it just might take more than a one hour session to work it out?  I think so!

I define my style of massage as deep relaxing.  My bodywork is blended and detailed.  I utilize an amalgam of modalities & techniques that I've acquired over my 20 years of experience, to target needful areas, but also luxuriously relax the body and mind.  Consistency is important with your massages.  Once you are able to identify that deeply relaxed state of mind and body, then you’re better able to purposefully maintain it.

Massage is a worthwhile investment in healthy life balance.  When flying, the flight attendants remind us to first put our own oxygen masks on then assist those around you... The same is true in maintaining our life balance, the less stressed YOU are in body and mind, the better equipped you are to be present for the people and things you care about.

I appreciate you taking the  time to peruse my site and discover BLISS! I look forward to working with you soon...

Sara Bliss

NC LBMT/Proprietress,

Bliss Massage Therapy







NC #8544

Site designed by Sara Bliss

All components of this site are the intellectual property of

Sara Bliss unless otherwise noted.

Updated 6/2024